Assalamualaikum, nice meeting you all.
thanks for reading, but if not. well, I'm no one to be the one that you MUST read.
well, that was so cute I think that I ever seen. haha :)
it's a worth, just take a step to read some tazkirah or article from the web iluvislam. but, this is what finally I found.
a cat mendongak.
the lightning quietly nice. full of inspiration. such a peace. subhanallah :')
beauty of art. sebab tu senang jatuh hati dengan mamat seni. seni tiada sempadan kan ? walaupun diri ni buta seni, but at least tawlah nak bezakan yang mana cantik, yang mana tak, yang mana handsome, yang mana tak. eh eh eh ?
oh ya, gambar cat bertuah tu dah tukar jadi twitcon. alolo sweetnye :) nak buat camane kan, dah sweet sangat ! but please, semua kucing memang comel okay. jangan pertikaikan.
that's all. btw, broken english asalkan faham. still on the classes. am no that terror like my mr unpredictable, I'm so gonna jealous kalau dia update status using English.
bla 3x. wassalam :)

google kejap. eheh :) comel kan gambar tu ? haha xD
3.28 AM
8th November 2012
alone in the dark room.
:) Happy Birthday ex-KP 2010 , Ahmad Ibrahim Zakaria. May your life be bless, by HIM. Ameen.