"Bila you nak tinggi ?"
"Haaa pendek ke ?"
Assalamualaikum, terima kasih ya Allah, alhamdulillah.
Alhamdulillah ala kulli hal, well I'm officially 18th ! hahahahaha seriously I cant believe myself, dah lepas level kanak kanak, and paling penting restricted age is not me anymore. Duh, terabur engllish.
"You punya suara lain."
"Haha, ape yg lain ?"
So, on my birthday, thanks classmates, friends, relatives, and not to forget my beloved family ! Haha sampai penat pun yaa jugak jari mereply segala text messages, whatsapp, twitter, facebook. Ahahaha rasa bahagia katekoooo.
"Nak roses..."
"Tu ada tu."
"Ala tapi biru."
"Your tudung biru kan. Tu pink ada."
"Tapi suka merah je. Nak merah."
Terima kasih mak and abah :') ugh feeling like crying. Sebab care too much and be there when I am losing myself and sooo afraid of the real. And tak pernah jemu, tired to hear my endless problems. I just dont know how to thank you guys mak and abah <3
Thanks abah for the call !
Thanks mak for the song !
Thanks along for the novel !
Thanks angah for the missed call !
Thanks abg ery for the haha ada wish ke tak ea ?
Thanks ame for touched my cheeks and said, "Woi Paten ! Birthday !"
"Gaya jalan still sama."
"Perati ea ?"
Thanks group relatives hahahahaha from Mak Ngah, Mak Lang, Mak Usu, Pak Lang, Pak Usu, Pak Uda and semuaaa sekali heee x)
"Cepat la amek mana you suka. I bayar."
"Nanti kang I amek memacam je nanti."
Kawan kawan semua, you guys are awesomeeee !!! Ahahaha I dont know how to express this feeling tapi yg pasti kalau you guys in front of me confirm aku peluk hugs masyaAllah aummmmmm ! Nak nangis je rasa,
D'aneez, thanks for the voicenote !
Mimie, thanks for the roses !
Nasyu, thanks for the longestt wishes I got sampai 52 texts tuuu :)
Azreen, Manda, Najihah, Bella, Izzatul, Nasup, Myra, Dayah, Asma, Syai Khai, Ekin, Chik, Eyca, Buby, Fazira, Najeh dan semuaaa sekaliiii x)
"I waited drpd pukul 12 mlm td sampai lahh pagi tadi sampai skrg pun. Still, you sengaja ke apa ?"
"Haha nak wish ke ni ? Nanti laaa."
"Haha nak wish ke ni ? Nanti laaa."
Alsooooooo, seniorssss :) especially kak Hanis, kak Mirza hihii thankssss hakak cechantekkkk wuuuuu x) thanks kak hanis for the opinion, mind sharing, acting as crutches for me :)
"You memang suka pakai tudung kain cemni ke ? (satin) "
"Haah, senang nak bentuk."
And thanks Chiko and Jujo sebab doa Paten dah makbul to see you guys sihat after having bad flu ! Tapi sedih laaaa Yoyo tak balik rumah lagi wuwuwuwwwww :'( Chiko, Jujo, doakan Paten ye ?
"Nak tengok wayang..."
"Hahaha, habis cemana. Takde masa kan..."
Teringat tahun lepas, sangat nightmare. Haha sumpah rindu budak hafiz muda f3 tahun lepas (ladies) sebab korg pepagi nyanyi kat bilik akak ! Pastu junior dorm mate tabur bedak depan locker ! Classmates nyanyi utk Aten, time tuition chemist kat physics lab nyanyi lagi x) Such a great moment I had :')
MasyaAllah rindunya kat budak dorm tahun lepas.
"Apelaa tudung senget taknak tegur."
"Hahahaaaa okay la tu."
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I dont know which part of me is turning 18th bcs I do addicted to spongebob, doraemon, and singing like do I care about youuuu ? |
Hahahaha I wish I have an account WeChat rn x) Becauseeee
"I dah post gambar I kat wc."
"Mana aciii ss bagi kat I."
Okay, why did 7th March sgt bermakna for me ? Bcs 8th March - which is tomorrow adalah cukup setahun MH370 hilang :( #PrayForMH370
"I dah post gambar I kat wc."
"Mana aciii ss bagi kat I."
Okay, why did 7th March sgt bermakna for me ? Bcs 8th March - which is tomorrow adalah cukup setahun MH370 hilang :( #PrayForMH370
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End, wassalam.
"Okay, I dah kena balik."
"You. Happy birthday."
"You. Happy birthday."